negative filter on image cops on corner cold blue to warm whites - image taken by JohnGutters  john Gutters
Corner blues
its a cole world
Graffiti artist pained wall on Alameda st los Angeles California - Image taken by photographer johngutters
Playing La’s blues clues
Hwy image negative hwy lanes - Graffiti Art Los Angeles Highways Downtown Image taken by johngutters john gutters
101 in the Heart
palm tree warm yellow warm browns
what’s with the gates?
white and blue image of police car line up. Image filter in a negative spectrum resolution black and white image by johngutters john gutters
Blue to white

West Coast
LosAngeles Downtown View image taken by Angelino Style and filtered and posted by john Gutters johngutters - SkyLineArt
over easy
Something new but good!
101 fwy entrance los angeles light cold blues and whites. Image taken by johngutters john gutters
Lockdown 2020 – During the riots
Taking it back to the Old School.
Police line during 2020 unrest
Walking Blvd’s – from peace to hurry up and dip
Word by Word is that an Essay
image taken of hollywwod blvd in negative light - imagine warm white feeling with cold grey feeling.  Image taken by john gutters johngutters
on sight PD on Ice
Life is but a gift – Legendary
back of the buildings anytime
Alley way in City back of building. graffiti to the right. clean grey walls to the left almost like morning mist if color was scent.
Alleys Aren’t clean – really they are dirty
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